Looking For Multicultural Children’s Books? Here Are 8 Helpful Resources By Taylor Pittman
“Representing the melting pot of our society should be a requirement, not a random box checked off by publishers” - Paula Chase, author
13 Children’s Picture Books Whose Characters Have Special Needs by Marsha Rakestraw
“Introducing children — including very young children — to stories whose characters have physical or mental challenges, especially when the framing is healthy and positive, helps expand their concept of “normal” and exposes them to a wider array of experiences, building empathy and acceptance.”
What If You Set a Limit and Your Child Ignores It? - Dr. Laura’s Tuesday Tip
“Most of the time when kids feel understood, they're willing to do what you ask -- even if they don't like what you're asking. That's why the secret to setting limits effectively is to empathize as you do it. It's a three step process.”
41 Comics About The Highs And Lows Of Motherhood by Caroline Bologna
Rear Facing Car Seat Myths Busted, by Car Seats for Little Ones Contributor
Why Your Child Ironing Is Not Such A Crazy Thought by Voila Montessori
In fact, when you involve your child with ironing, there are more beneficial outcomes than your well-pressed garments alone. With the right approach, find out how to use this “magical chore” as a way to boost their future academic performance”