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Teens & Tweens Resource Guide

Parenting teens with love and logic: preparing adolescents for responsible adulthood by Cline & Fay

Parents need help to teach their teens how to make decisions responsibly―and do so without going crazy or damaging the relationship.

Listen: 5 simple tools to meet your everyday parenting challenges by Wipfler & Schore

International authority on child development Gordon Neufeld, Ph.D., joins forces with bestselling author Gabor Maté, M.D., to tackle one of the most disturbing trends of our time: Children today looking to their peers for direction—their values, identity, and codes of behavior.

Brainstorm: the power and purpose of the teenage brain, by Siegel

The teenage brain: a neuroscientist’s survival guide to raising adolescents and young adults by Jensen & Harper

Age of opportunity: lessons from the new science of adolescence by Steinberg

The mindful teen: powerful skills to help you handle stress one moment at a time by Vo

The primal teen: what the new discoveries about the teenage brain tell us about our kids by Strauch

Introducing mindfulness into the lives of our children and teenagers is perhaps the greatest gift we can offer. Mindfulness builds emotional intelligence, boosts happiness, increases curiosity and engagement, reduces anxiety and depression, soothes the pain of trauma, and helps kids (and adults) focus, learn, and make better choices. If that weren’t enough, research now shows that mindfulness significantly enhances what psychologists call “flourishing”—the opposite of depression and avoidance.

The kids guide to staying awesome and in control; simple stuff to help children regulate their emotion and senses by Brukner

Getting to calm: cool headed strategies for parents, tweens and teens by Kastner

The kids guide to staying awesome & in control; simple stuff to help children regulate their emotions and senses by Brunker

5 Love Languages of Teens, by Chapman

Parenting Teens with Love and Logic by Fay & Cline

The 7 Habits of highly effective teen by Covey, topic: teens

Health Journeys cd’s for teens/visualization/meditation



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