One-on-One Support
Do you repeat the same struggle with your child, day after day? Have you had the same conversation with your partner over and over again? Or do you feel confused about what to do as a parent?
If you are ready to learn about yourself, your children’s behaviors and family dynamics, I can guide you. Remember that change is not always easy, however I will support you and the rewards are worth your investment.
In many families, parents have different backgrounds and experiences which confuse their parenting goals. Extended family, friends, acquaintances all have opinions to “guide” us, as well as the plethora of books now available. What is a parent to do?
I believe each parent has inner wisdom that can be relied on to guide them on this journey and as a parent coach my role is to help you cultivate a better relationship with your family. By working collaboratively we develop goals and strategies that serve the whole family to have less power struggles and challenges. I support you as you implement these plans, knowing that we are all complex beings and as challenges occur, I will continue to problem-solve with you.
Contact me for pricing.